Content Writer/Copywriter

What is a Content Writer/Copywriter?
We create compelling and persuasive content for PR campaigns. Our words shape narratives, capture attention, and help build positive brand perception.

“PR is all about storytelling, and telling those stories begins with words. As a writer, we get to craft the narratives that earn the media coverage everyone remembers.”
Jonathan F.
This is what I do most days…
I understand the key messages, industry trends, and competitor landscape.
I create engaging and persuasive content for PR campaigns and materials.
I meticulously review and refine content, ensuring that copy is clear, consistent, and reflects the brand.
In their own words:
Thinking about becoming a Content Writer/Copywriter?
Explore some of the skills you’ll need
to prepare for the role.
- Ability to craft narratives and connect with audiences.
- Excellent writing skills
- Ability to conduct research and analyses
- Ability to come up with fresh ideas
- Ability to collaborate with a team or work independently
If you think a job as a Content Writer/Copywriter might be right for you, print off your Job Report and take it to a parent, teacher or guidance counsellor to talk about what your next steps should be.